How to practice self care on a low budget

Self care is a buzz word. And because of that, many brands, influencers and other promoters have jumped on the bandwagon, touting all of their costly products, claiming they'll help you find that inner zen you're always searching for.

And that could be true. All those exotic aromatic oils, crystal eggs and healing creams really could bring some much needed peace of mind to your life.


But sometimes what works better is what's simple and by extension, cost-effective. A nice, long bath for example, maybe with a bath bomb, flowers, candles and ambient music or equally, you just need to soak your sore, tired muscles in hot water.

If you read all of this content and find it stresses you out more because of how much it costs then read ahead for some ways in which you can practice self care that's either free or inexpensive and you might just find that they help you more.

1. Give yourself a belly laugh!

Watch a comedy show, film or stand-up on TV to give yourself all the belly laughs and get the feel good hormone dopamine coursing through your body. If you're not sure where to start or not quite feeling it, here's the perfect video to get in the mood for a laugh fest.


2. Cook yourself your favourite meal, no matter how calorific, carby, oily or fattening it is.

You deserve it. And your body is perfect no matter what shape or size it is. So treat yo'self to some yumminess.

3. Buying yourself flowers

Buying yourself flowers regularly can really uplift you because of the sight of beautiful, colourful and healthy life. And it doesn't have to be expensive. You can get some nice, yet cheap ones. Chrisanthums in particular fit this bill and last a long time.


4. Go to bed early

It's one of those things that we all keep telling ourselves we need to do but very rarely get round to. Sometimes it's because there's always too much do to, sometimes it's because the allure of TV is too great and sometimes it's because it can make us feel guilty because we're not being productive.

But countless research shows that a good night's sleep is one of the best ways to make us more productive the next day. It also helps the body repair and rejuvenate, the mind establish memories from the day and improve mood and motivation. Light a candle, rub some essential oil into your wrists and snuggle down with an ASMR video or a book that will lull you gently to sleep.

5. Meditate

Doing it by yourself can be frustrating because the mind is fickle and the more you try to force it focus and relax, the more it wanders. It's great then that there are so many fantastic apps out there like Calm and Headspace. Taking a few minutes out of the day to bring yourself peace of mind can make all the difference.


6. Say no

We all play so may roles in our life, feel obligated to fulfil so many expectations and have a never-ending to-do list so sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is say no. Saying no doesn't make you a bad person. In fact, it can help you be a better person because when you're not stretched, you have more to give and are happier to do so when you do say yes. So say no and do one of the things on this list instead.

7. Treat yourself

In this list, we've talked about relaxing on a low budget. But sometimes spending a little more than you usually would on yourself for something that will help you take better care of yourself of help you feel better about yourself is necessary. So treat yourself and don't feel guilty. Because self care is important and you deserve it.